Friday, February 7, 2020

Preposition/Parts of Speech/English Grammar

Preposition/Parts of Speech/English Grammar

Friends, we have studied Adverb and it's types in last article. In this article we are going to study Preposition. I'm very grateful to all those viewers who subscribed and followed me. Let's start the topic.

Definition of Preposition:- The word which is used to indicate the exact relation between two noun or two pronoun or a noun and a pronoun, is called as Preposition.
Preposition, Parts of Speech, English Grammar

Also read
Adverb and It's Types
Noun and it's types

There are two kinds of Preposition.
1) Simple Preposition:- at, by, with, of, in, for,from, on,among, above, across, against, about,under, since, through, up, down,after, around,out etc.

2) Compound Proposition:- underneath, between, behind, within, without, into, upon, below, beyond, beneath, beside, before, outside etc.

Note:- without use of Preposition in the sentence, the sentence becomes meaningless.
1) I put the book on the table. (Correct)
2) I put the book table. (Incorrect)

  Some important prepositions in daily uses.

1) In:- it is used when if the action is taken Place inside( the perticular place which has perticular limitations)  while action take place.

1) They sat in the room.
2) there is a turtle in the well.
    In above sentences,  subjects are inside while mentioning in the sentences.

2) into:- when an object or a person acts coming  or is conveyed from outside to inside while action occurs, the preposition "in" is used.

1) She was coming into the room 
2) A child fell into the well.
    In above sentences, the action of moving from outside to inside, so "into" is used.

3) On- If there is a touch between two or more objects ( noun and noun or noun and pronoun or pronoun and pronoun) then " on" preposition usually used to indicate at the surface of.

1) The book is on the table.
2) I sat on the floor.
    In above sentences, there is touch between  two objects, so, preposition " on" is used there.

4) over:- it is used  generally to indicate at the up side.

1) Look at the above sentences.
2) Answer the questions given above.

5) Among:- while mentioning in between more than two persons or things in the sentence, it is used.

1) Give away these blankets among these poor people.
2) I was sitting among the boys.

5) between:- if some action occurs in two persons or things, it is used.
1) I stood between Virat and Sehwag.
2) Mumbai is between Agra and Nagpur.

6) after:- it is used post completion another person's act.

1) I came after her.
2) She was born after my birth.

7) before:-it is used ante completion another person's act.

1) I have to complete it before morning.
2) before going to class, I have to take meal

8) till:-

1) Stay here till I come back.
2) I will work till 5 O'clock.

9) Upon: it is used when there is any movement between/among noun.

1) The cat jumped upon the dog.
2) medicine acts upon the physique.

10) over:- it is used to express at the up side but there is no touch.

1) The bridge is over the river.
2) The roof is over my head.

11) across:-

1) I went across the street.
2) He played across the line.

12) Along with:- accompanying someone

1) I went along with my father.
2) She enjoyed the trip along with her friends.

13) through:-

1) I can see through the window.
2) She went through the river.

14) beside/besides:-

1) I sat beside him.
2) She takes coffee besides tea.

15) underneath/beneath:- it is used as below but there must be a touch between/ among two objects/noun.

1) Tiles are beneath my leg.
2) Table is beneath tv.

16) About:-

1) I heard a little about it.
2) She was telling me about herself.

17) beyond:-

1) My farm is beyond the river.
2) It is beyond my comprehension.

18) of:-

1) I completed my work of computer.
2) Tell me a story of Edison.

19) From:-

1) Pune is 100 km from Mumbai.
2) Stay away from him.

20) for:-

1) I can do anything for you.
2) Coffee is enough for me.

21) under:- if there is no touch between/among objects/person, then  it is used to express " downside".

1) We sat under the tree.
2) She is working under my supervision.

22) against:- versus

1) I can fight against bullies.
2) India won the match against New Zealand.

23) By:-

1) India won the match by 5 wickets.
2) I went to America by plane.

24) To:-

1) I appealed it to higher authorities.
2) She is ready to forgive you.

25) Since:-

1) I have been working here since 2000.
2) She stays here since she was born.

26) ago:- it is used only in simple past tense.

1) my father died two years ago.
2) She met Shahrukh khan a week ago.

27) amidst:-

1) I am now in the amidst of trouble.
2) Sachin was amidst of the players.

28) off:-

1) Switch off the tv.
2) The plane took off the airport.

29) at:-
1) She looks at me.
2) You live at wadner in Maharashtra.

30) than:-
1) I'm older than you.
2) She is faster than her sister.

Important note:- we must be familiar with phrases in English. Apart from these meanings. There are specific rules of phrases.

Ex. We should abstain from bad habits
       I congrats you on your success.

Note 1:- there is always a noun after preposition, there is not, then it becomes adverb.
1) He has been working since morning.(preposition)
2) She has not seen him since.( Adverb)
3) The culprit gives the testimony before the police.(Preposition)
4)we were watching a movie some time before.(adverb).

Note 2:- after preposition there is always objective case of pronoun is used.

1) she showed a garden to me
2) She is wiser than him.


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